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How to Run a Small Commercial Cleaning Company

How to Run a Small Commercial Cleaning Company

Commercial cleaning companies are the reason everything is clean and tidy at your doctor’s office, apartment building, office building or store. Whereas residential cleaning companies serve individual families and homes, commercial cleaning companies provide cleaning services to shared, more public spaces.

As long as these buildings exist, there will be a need for cleaning services, so it’s no wonder that some people choose to start cleaning companies. Starting any small businesses can be scary, but as long as you go about it strategically, you can enjoy a stable and profitable business when you start a small commercial cleaning company.

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How to Start a Commercial Cleaning Company From Scratch

Starting a new business of any kind can feel overwhelming. The great idea for a business is just the start. Then you have to take care of all the necessary logistics. Fortunately, when starting a cleaning company, there aren’t too many things you need to do or money you need to spend to get started. This is one of the major advantages of this business. Let’s look at what you do need to do to make things official and get your new business off the ground.

1. Consider Buying Into a Franchise

The first decision you need to make is whether you want to operate independently or as a part of a franchise. Buying into a franchise has a cost associated with it. Typically, you have to pay an initial down payment, and then pay ongoing fees, which may be a percentage of the revenue you make. These fees aren’t for nothing. You get the advantage of being a part of a brand that has already been established and has some recognition.

There are some other drawbacks to being a part of a franchise you should also consider, though. In some cases, you may be required to operate out of a retail location, which adds significantly to your company’s overhead. You also give up control when you buy into a franchise since you must run your business a certain way. It also means you can’t sell your business someday once it has become highly profitable.

If you choose to buy into a franchise, many of the following items will be predetermined for you. So, as we continue to discuss the steps to starting your business, we’ll assume you’ve chosen to function independently rather than as a part of a franchise.

2. Select a Legal Entity

The next step is to decide what legal entity your business will fall into. There are three main options to consider for how to legally classify your business. These are:

3. Come up With a Name

Your business’s name is important, but don’t overthink it too much. Just make sure the name accurately communicates to clients what you do. A simple name like Carla’s Commercial Cleaning Services will do the trick. Check that there are no other companies with the name you want or a similar name. Even Kara’s Commercial Cleaning Co. could cause some confusion when clients try to look you up online. There are a few different ways to officially register your business’s name. The way you go about it will depend on the legal entity of your business.

4. Set up a Business Bank Account

No matter which legal entity you choose for your new business, you’ll need to create a bank account for your business to keep costs and profits separate from your personal finances. Letting clients know that they can pay directly online or make checks payable to your business lends legitimacy to your business operations while asking clients to pay you personally does just the opposite.

Before you go to open a bank account for your business, know the requirements. Corporate bank accounts have the most rigid requirements, but these won’t apply to you if your business is an LLC, sole proprietorship or partnership. For an LLC, you will need to show the bank your state registration paperwork. For a sole proprietorship or partnership, you will have to share the Employer Identification Number assignment letter, which you will have received from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

5. Consider Purchasing Insurance

Insurance protects you from unfortunate circumstances or accidents that could occur. For example, if one of your employees accidentally breaks something valuable in a client’s building, liability insurance would cover the expense to fix or replace the item. Without insurance, those expenses would come out of your profits. Liability insurance also applies to third-party claims over bodily injuries. General liability insurance is the most basic type of insurance you can get for your business and typically has an annual premium between $375 and $700, but it is worth the investment.

If you want other types or higher levels of protection, consider the following options, as well:

6. Determine Services and Rates

Next, you need to determine what services your company will offer and how much you will charge. By identifying as a commercial cleaning company, you already narrow in on cleaning services for commercial, rather than residential, buildings, but if there are certain services you are and are not equipped to offer, make sure you are prepared to let potential clients know.

As for your rates, there are several different ways you can set rates. Here are the main options to consider:

7. Stock up on Supplies

Don’t forget to stock up on all the necessary supplies for commercial cleaning. These items include:

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How to Market Your Small Commercial Cleaning Business

Starting a commercial cleaning company isn’t the end of the story. You have to get clients, and you do this mainly through marketing. When it comes to marketing your business, you can choose between handing off this responsibility to a professional marketer or doing the work yourself. Especially in the beginning, you may want to save money by doing your own marketing. There are two main types of marketing we’ll look at here — traditional and online.

1. Market Your Business the Traditional Way

Traditional marketing includes print, TV and radio ads. These are the types of ads that have been around for a long time and are still useful means of gaining exposure. Here are a few ideas for traditional advertising:

2. Market Your Business Online

Online marketing is more important than ever since more than 85 percent of searches for products and services take place online. Online marketing is not just about advertising but also about creating a presence so potential clients can find you easily. Here are some ways to market your business online:


How to Get Your Cleaning Business Off The Ground

Once you’ve established a solid client base, you may feel like you’re all set. This is a great accomplishment, but your work is hardly done. Owning a cleaning company isn’t enough — you have to remain focused on making your business successful. Here are three tips for success to keep in mind, no matter how long your company has been around:


Contact JBS Industries for Superior Soap Supplies

If you want to build a reputation for exceptional quality in the work that you do, consider browsing through the products we offer here at JBS Industries. We specialize in car wash soaps, but we offer products that provide powerful cleaning action in a variety of applications. We strive to innovate cleaning solutions that exceed our customers’ expectations. We are also committed to excellent customer service. If you’re interested in learning more, contact us today.

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