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How to Start a Pet Wash Business in 5 Easy Steps

5 Steps To Start a Pet Wash Business

A pet wash is a popular luxury service that people seek for their furry companions. Many pet owners just don’t have the time, skills, supplies or desire to wash their pets, so they hire trained professionals or visit pet wash stations.

If you’re an experienced pet groomer, love animals and want to start a small business, a pet wash is an excellent opportunity to do so. Like any other business, it will require a good amount of research, planning and investment. Below, we’ll guide you through the entire process.

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Before Beginning Your Business Venture

Before starting your dog wash business, you’ll need to do lots of research about the needs in your area, which will help you decide on the scope of your business. Will you set up a grooming spa or just coin-operated pet wash equipment? Is there an existing kennel in the area that could expand into a pet wash? How about a car wash? Are you close to a popular dog park or a famously dog-friendly area? There are many possible setups, each of which requires different equipment and experience.

Write a Business Plan

One early step is writing a business plan. With this step, you’ll figure out the need in your area, the possible opportunities and potential threats to your business. It will also help you determine your business’s strengths and weaknesses.

While the idea may sound overwhelming, don’t worry — business plans don’t have to be more than one or two pages. But remember to be specific. This plan will serve as a roadmap for your business that you’ll refer back to during the early years of your operation.

Find a Good Location

Another early step in the process is finding the best spot for your pet wash business. You should ideally find a spot in a highly visible, high-traffic area. While this could mean higher rent, you’ll probably also get a better profit for your pet wash business as a result.

If you’re planning to operate within another business, such as a kennel, look for successful partners located in good areas. You might also consider expanding your car wash with a pet wash area to attract more customers, which could be an easier process.

Find a Good Time to Open

Do some research on when would be the best time to open your pet wash. If you were to open it in January, many customers might feel less in the mood to get out, and you may not be as successful. If you were to open during the spring, when the weather is warming up, people are more likely to be in the spring cleaning mode.

Determine How Much Capital You Require

You should also be figuring out the amount of capital you’ll need, which includes the costs of rent, supplies, accessories, building updates and more. Banks in your area might offer special loan rates for small businesses and entrepreneurs if you’re borrowing to start or expand your business.

The Importance of a Positive Attitude

“Have a positive attitude” is valuable advice when facing almost any challenge, and starting a pet wash business is no exception. Here are some ways to keep a positive attitude in business:

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5 Steps for Starting a Pet Wash Business

Starting a pet wash business involves various steps, but to make the process less daunting, we’ve divided it down into five basic steps to follow. They are:

1. Plan Ahead

As is the case with starting any type of business, you’ll need to do a lot of preparation, which includes steps like writing a business plan and:

2. Purchase the Right Equipment

Even with the proper training and experience, you’ll still need to invest in a variety of industry-specific equipment. To start a self-serve dog wash business, you will need to invest in the following:

3. Select the Right Advisors

Another up-front cost you’ll have to pay when starting a pet wash company is hiring professionals to guide you through the process. These experts will steer you away from common mistakes. The advisors you’ll need to hire are:

4. Determine Pricing

The price you charge for pet washing will depend on the kind of pet wash system as well as the services you offer. If you have a self-serve pet wash station with shampoo, conditioner, brushes, combs, blow-dryers, towels and aprons and the clean-up, a price around $15 is reasonable. If you offer coin-operated systems, the price could be around $5 in a rural area and over twice that in an urban area.

When determining your pricing, do some in-depth research on the market, learn about the services of your competitors and see how they’re priced. If you’re going into a market where there aren’t any self-serve operations, study a geographic-economic region similar to that of your location.

5. Expand and Promote Your Business

After you’ve invested in the upfront costs of buying or renting the space, setting the dog washing stations up and stocking your shelves, it’s time to focus on building your client base.

To do this, first figure out who your customers are. Try to narrow down your target audience more than dog owners within a 15-mile radius. Focus on your target audience with very specific demographics. Do men come in, or is it usually women? Is it mostly mothers or teenage daughters? Knowing these details will help you figure out the methods you can use to promote your company most effectively.

If the majority of your clients are young families, for instance, consider putting an ad in your area’s parenting magazine. If your customers are mainly mothers, seek out a recommendation from a popular mommy blogger in your area.

Another great way to increase your client base is by word of mouth, so ensure that every customer leaves satisfied. Make a manageable list of business owners, community leaders and target customers to reach out to with a special opening offer. If you turn just one opinion leader into a loyal customer, this can bring in loads of word-of-mouth customers.

You should also establish a professional presence online, which includes a website, Twitter and Facebook accounts. Photogenic pets make for great content on an Instagram account, as well. Also consider posting before and after photos, which could get lots of likes. If you’re afraid managing multiple social media accounts will waste valuable time, remember these sites enable you to directly interact with clients, unlike advertisements on TV and in newspapers. You could also contract the work to website and social media managers.

A presence online will help you appear when new customers are looking for your services. To improve your online image, post clear, inviting pictures to your site and ask clients to write online recommendations and reviews.

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The Pros and Cons of Starting a Pet Wash Business

Starting a pet wash business, like virtually any business, has advantages and potential drawbacks.

The Pros

The advantages of starting a pet wash business include getting to:

The Cons

Owning a pet wash also comes with a number of considerations, including:


Contact JBS for the Best Dog Grooming Supplies

For over 40 years, JBS Industries has been manufacturing high-quality car wash and industrial cleaners, and since then, we’ve expanded to manufacture products for all types of professional cleaning. Shop our dog wash products, or to learn about investing in top-quality supplies for your pet wash business, reach out to us by filling out our form.

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